Photo Courtesy of Mark Trockman
Marya Hornbacher
Marya Hornbacher is an award-winning essayist, journalist, novelist, poet, and the New York Times bestselling author of five books, with a sixth forthcoming from Houghton Mifflin in 2020.
She is the recipient of the Annie Dillard Award for Nonfiction, the Fountain House Humanitarian Award, a Logan Nonfiction Fellowship, and other distinctions, and her writing across genres has appeared in publications that include the New York Times, Boston Globe, Smithsonian Magazine, Crazyhorse, AGNI, Gulf Coast, The Normal School, Fourth Genre, DIAGRAM, and many others.
She teaches in the graduate writing programs at the University of Nebraska and Augsburg University.
This is Marya’s first Festival as a participating writer and she will be offering the Writing Workshop, “INVENTING THE ‘I’: Crafting a Powerful First Person Voice”

Marya Hornbacher
Madness: A Bipolar Life - Memoir

Sane: Mental Illness, Addiction, and the 12 Steps - Non-fiction
The Center of Winter: A Novel

Waiting: A Nonbeliever's Higher Power - Spiritual Non-fiction

Photo Courtesy of Mark Trockman
Wasted Updated Edition: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia (P.S.)
- Memoir